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Eutrophication of coastal waters in the Gulf of California (Mexico) and the spatial development of shrimp farming: the case of the Rio Fuerte delta

Eutrophication of coastal waters in the Gulf of California (Mexico) and the spatial development of shrimp farming: the case of the Rio Fuerte delta By Loïc MENANTEAU and Diana C. ESCOBEDO URIAS L'Atlas Bleu / Exploiting Eutrophication, shrimp farming, spatial spread, environment, Río Fuerte delta, Mexico The article focuses on two major phenomena that combine on the coastal zone of the Gulf of California (Sonora, Sinaloa, Mexico) especially in the Río Fuerte delta. On the maritime side, pollution of coastal waters is due to intensive cultivation, while on the terrestrial side, the

28/09/2021|Categories: Exploit|Tags: , , , , |

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