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Deconstructing marine maps: revealing map-making choices through fishing and pleasure boating

Deconstructing marine maps: revealing map-making choices through fishing and pleasure boating By Juliette DAVRET L'Atlas Bleu / Exploring geotechnologies, cartography, critical GIS, fishing, pleasure boating, spatio-temporal variability Critical cartography has shown that maps are not neutral, yet they are a decision-making tool. This article uses the case study of fishing and pleasure boating to explore possible map-making choices. These two distinct marine activities, which are complex to map because of their spatio-temporal variability, provide an opportunity to address a wide range of cartographic issues. Data exist to describe fishing, but

10/07/2024|Categories: Exploring|Tags: , , |

Professional fishing and the risk of accidents: the Dover Strait, an example of a high risk area

Professional fishing and the risk of accidents: the Dover Strait, an example of a high risk area By Brice TROUILLET L'Atlas Bleu / Exploiting Maritime fishing, spatial division, risk, accident, Strait of Dover. At the world scale, the Strait of Dover is a highly-concentrated area of the maritime activities (shipping and passenger traffic to name a few). The article examines the case of fisheries in this context, namely the risks fishers face day-to-day in an increasing congested sea. Fishing is one

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