Publications de la catégorie

Deconstructing marine maps: revealing map-making choices through fishing and pleasure boating

Deconstructing marine maps: revealing map-making choices through fishing and pleasure boating By Juliette DAVRET L'Atlas Bleu / Exploring geotechnologies, cartography, critical GIS, fishing, pleasure boating, spatio-temporal variability Critical cartography has shown that maps are not neutral, yet they are a decision-making tool. This article uses the case study of fishing and pleasure boating to explore possible map-making choices. These two distinct marine activities, which are complex to map because of their spatio-temporal variability, provide an opportunity to address a wide range of cartographic issues. Data exist to describe fishing, but

10/07/2024|Categories: Exploring|Tags: , , |

Cyclones and earthquakes

Cyclones and earthquakes By Riwan KERGUILLEC et Dominique SELLIER L'Atlas Bleu / Exploring cyclone, earthquake, oceanic fronts, vulnerability The article highlights the physical characteristics and formation mechanisms of tropical cyclones and earthquakes on a global scale. Two maps provide visualization of the concentration zones for each of these phenomena and demonstrate the very high level of exposure of the planet’s oceanic fronts. Tropical cyclones are large-scale seasonal weather phenomena (gusts of up to 118 km/h) that count as one of the hazards

20/10/2023|Categories: Exploring|Tags: , , , |

Planification spatiale marine et pêches artisanales au Sénégal

Planification spatiale marine (PSM) et pêches artisanales au Sénégal Par Brice TROUILLET, Alexis FOSSI, Laurent POURINET L'Atlas Bleu / Exploring Planification spatiale marine (PSM), pêches artisanales, Cartographie de synthèse, Atlantique tropical, Sénégal   Cet article est un map paper de L'Atlas Bleu en forme d'annexe à l’ouvrage édité par l’IRD en mars 2023 sur l’Aménagement de l’espace marin dans l’Atlantique tropical (Cf. bibliographie). Quatre cartes de synthèse sont ici éditées en haute résolution et commentées (contenus et méthodologie cartographique). Elles permettent une mise en perspective des pêches artisanales sénégalaises dans

01/09/2023|Categories: Exploring|

Extreme sea levels on the Atlantic coastline in France: model and observations

Extreme sea levels on the Atlantic coastline in France: model and observations By Etienne CHAUVEAU L'Atlas Bleu / Exploring Extreme sea levels, models and measurements, recent period, Atlantic coast of mainland France. The article identifies the 10 most important storms in terms of marine submersion that have occurred on the Atlantic coasts of mainland France since 1984. It indicates the maximum sea levels recorded during these events. These values are compared with the extreme sea levels (with a 100 years period) derived from the SHOM/CETMEF predictive model. Several observations are drawn

The El Niño phenomenon: a model of global ocean disruption

The El Niño phenomenon: a model of global ocean disruption By Jean-René VANNEY L'Atlas Bleu / Exploring El Niño, climatic disruption, oceanic phenomenon, devastating effect, South America. With two maps and a graph, the article summarizes the principle of El Niño – a climatic disruption whose geographical amplitude and environmental implication are major at a world scale. The sequence of the phenomenon (whose frequency remains poorly known), that occurred in 1982-1983 on the coasts and off the coast of South America, is mapped and analysed specifically.

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