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Habitat vulnerability to coastal flooding risks. The example of L’Épine (Vendée, France)

Habitat vulnerability to coastal flooding risks. The example of L’Épine (Vendée, France) By Axel CREACH, Elie CHEVILLOT-MIOT and Denis MERCIER L'Atlas Bleu / Living Marine submersion, housing exposure, hazard, Xynthia, L’Epine, Vendée Based on the example of a municipality of the Noirmoutier island (Vendée), the article examines the vulnerability of housing to the risk of marine submersion of the Xynthia storm type, in a context of coastal urbanisation in low-lying areas. The cartographic synthesis allows to compare the potential water level and the architectural character of each construction, and to determine

28/09/2021|Categories: Live|Tags: , , , , |

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