Publications de la catégorie

The Banco Chinchorro

Banco Chinchorro (Caribbean Sea, Mexico): underwater cultural heritage and environmental protection By Laura CARRILLO MÁRQUEZ and Loïc MÉNANTEAU L'Atlas Bleu / Protecting Atoll, natural site, shipwrecks, integrated management, Caribbean Sea, Mexico. The case of Banco Chinchorro (Mexico) illustrates the problems of the protection and management of maritime sites boasting a natural and cultural heritage. The biodiversity of this atoll justifies its environmental protection at national and international level and yet, its underwater archaeological heritage has been excluded. We discuss the importance of integrating nature and culture in a single management plan

Sand dune ecosystems as a form of defence against coastal hazards: assessment on the Noirmoutier coast (Vendée)

Sand dune ecosystems as a form of defence against coastal hazards: assessment on the Noirmoutier coast (Vendée) By Françoise DEBAINE et Marc ROBIN L'Atlas Bleu / Protecting Coastal risk, dune ecosystem, protection service, geoindicator, diagnosis and monitoring Noirmoutier (Vendée). By considering dune ecosystems as agents of protection facing coastal risks, the article presents a method of dune condition diagnosis and monitoring based on the example of the Noirmoutier coastline. The method is based on a set of geoindicators related to a system of coastal “boxes” (50x300m). It allows to map the

Eutrophication of coastal waters: the case of Brittany’s green tides

Eutrophication of coastal waters: the case of Brittany’s green tides By Nicolas ROLLO L'Atlas Bleu / Protecting Eutrophication, green algae, covered area, evolution, Brittany After a contextualisation of the coastal waters eutrophication (world map), the article examines the case of Brittany, a French region strongly affected by this phenomenon. Graphical documents allow to assess its spatial impact in 2008 and its evolution from 1997 to 2011. Several elements of context on the fight against green tides are specified from an economic point of view. 

28/09/2021|Categories: Protect|Tags: , , , |

Marine invertebrates introduced into the Normano-Breton Gulf since 1920

Marine invertebrates introduced into the Normano-Breton Gulf since 1920 By Laurent GODET, Patrick LE MAO, Eric THIÉBAUT, Christian RETIÈRE, Louis CABIOCH, Franck GENTIL, Nicolas DESROY, Jérôme FOURNIER L'Atlas Bleu / Protecting Maritime invertebrate, faunistic inventory, species, Normano-Breton Gulf The article has anticipated the publication of the ‘Atlas de la faune marine invertébrée du golfe Normano-Breton’ (see bibliographic reference). This article presents a synthesis of two centuries of observation and inventory of 2,152 species located in the Gulf. Several examples deal with the non-native species introduction in the marine area, and

Developing port infrastructures and protecting natural heritage in Veracruz (Mexico)

Developing port infrastructures and protecting natural heritage in Veracruz (Mexico) By Loïc MÉNANTEAU et Stephan GAILLARD L'Atlas Bleu / Protecting Bathymetry, sediment budget, port, environment, national park, Gallega (La), Veracruz, Vergara (Bay of). This article presents the main development stages of the port of Veracruz (Mexico), an historic site located on the edge of a protected reef system. A digital terrain model (DTM) allows to follow its transformation (embankments on the sea, dredging, infrastructures) on three dates (1886, 1911, 2010), mainly since the big works leaded from 1887 to 1902.

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